Leadership and Management Training
The leader should have a clearly articulated strategic vision, and be able to engage their team in strategic thinking rather than focusing strictly on day-to- day operations. They must have a clear idea of how each member of their team thinks and works, so can harness their individual strengths to achieve collective goals. The leader must evaluate tracking with insight, beyond the straightforward trajectory of data, and can challenge the accuracy and validity of data. They adapt to the ever-shifting demands of leadership, having a confident understanding of how internal and external influences shape our role as leaders. Leaders should select and incorporate relevant research (including statutory guidance) into their approach, and ensure that their team does the same. They realise that the role of a leader is never fixed – instead it can and must change and adapt continuously. The leader looks to break down the barriers between the pillars of pastoral, curriculum and personal development, aware that successful leadership is a hybrid of all three. In all of these areas, the leader exercises the emotional intelligence and leadership ability to achieve ‘buy-in’ from a critical mass of both staff and students, to ensure that improvements are sustained for the benefit of all.
Watch the information video below to learn more about this program
Leadership and Management Program |
About the Program
This program looks to detract away from “action bias” routes of professional development and instead bases itself within a more reflective and collaborative approach within a continuous cycle of learning, action and reflection. By working on leadership and management skills collaboratively at all levels, across the trust, we will be sharing experiences and reflecting upon the systems and processes in place to improve both our own practices as well as the structures in place.
The program will include four facets;
1) Project: This is a project which you will decide upon to work on your leadership and management skills and specific aspects of the role of the job.
2) Action Learning Set: This is a series of group meetings where we will explore concepts of Leadership and Management under the guidance of a course facilitator. This is a safe space where we can share ideas and experiences under an air of co-learning.
3) Strategic and Operations Training: This is where, during the program, you will be shadowing members of the Leadership Team, meeting the expert or attending strategic meetings to explore in a natural way the specifics of the required role.
4) Log of the Journey and 1-to-1 Coaching: This encompasses a logbook which you will be issued with and use to carry out continual reflective practice. You will also have regular coaching meetings and 1-to-1 meetings with your professional lead.